Item 07 - Sosialisasi Good Manufacturing Practices 2017 (7)

Identity area

Reference code

ID BK026 F026-S6-SS01-B04-07


Sosialisasi Good Manufacturing Practices 2017 (7)


  • 2018 - 2019 (Creation)

Level of description


Extent and medium

Kertas dan Foto

Context area

Content and structure area

Scope and content

Khazanah Arsip Sosialisasi Good Manufacturing Practices 2017

System of arrangement

Alfa Numerik

Conditions of access and use area

Conditions governing access


Conditions governing reproduction

Scan, print, dan foto copi

Language of material

  • Indonesian

Finding aids

Daftar inventarisasi Arsip Sosialisasi Good Manufacturing Practices 2017

Allied materials area

Existence and location of originals

Dinas Penanaman Modal, Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Perindustrian dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Bukittinggi

Existence and location of copies

Dinas Penanaman Modal, Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Perindustrian dan Tenaga Kerja Kota Bukittinggi

Access points

Description control area

Archivist's note

Dideskripsikan Oleh : Indri Yanti, A.Md